
Extra large battery for Poi, Nunchaku, Wands, Buugeng

Great news!

We filled up our range of options with a new one - a battery with bigger capacity.

What it gives? Your props will work longer without charge. Let your light show go longer than before!

Just an example: if the props originally have 2600 mAh battery and you want it to be upgraded to 3500 mAh, working time increases on 35%.

The option is available for the following models:

- Ignis Pixel poi: 32 Tech, 48 Lite, 64 Lite, 80 Long

- Ignis Pixel poi: 80 HD Tech, 104 HD, 144 HD

- Ignis Pixel nunchaku: 32 Tech, 48 Lite, 80 HD Tech

- Ignis Levitation Wands: 80 Long, 200 HD, 256 HD 

- Ignis Pixel Buugeng 80

To add the option, tick the window with the battery in "Choose additional options" section, below the page.

Make your choice!!!


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